Brand Consultant


Brand School


Brand School is a one-day immersive sprint with a team of world-class brand strategy experts — built to help startups uncover their brand story.

The format is simple: a series of quick lessons, Q&A, and real-time workshopping on critical brand lessons like audience empathy, positioning, emotional resonance, cultural relevance, and earning attention without blowing your budget. By the end of the day, founders are able to transform their elevator pitch into a clear, compelling narrative for the brand.

A sample of the 400-slide curriculum at Brand School.

A sample of the 400-slide curriculum at Brand School.

“I went into Brand School with a million different things I wanted (and thought I needed) my brand to say. I left with a clear and compelling statement about what my brand is and stands for.

Having time to ideate with experts in the industry helped me uncover the most important and interesting aspects of my brand, and it allowed me to remove the unnecessary pieces and shape my brand’s story into a clear narrative.”
— Founder